What’s going on with UCI Surveys?

The campus-wide Qualtrics license ends July 1, 2024. QuestionPro is now available. Qualtrics-to-QuestionPro migration workshops focus specifically on migrating projects from UCI Qualtrics to QuestionPro.

Qualtrics-to-QuestionPro Migration Workshops

Additional sessions in June will cover QuestionPro features and functionality in more detail.


While the campus-wide license will still be usable (to access Qualtrics, visit https://uci.qualtrics.com/) during the 2023-2024 fiscal year at minimum, support inquiries will be referred directly to Qualtrics. Programs, departments, and schools that rely on surveys are strongly advised to explore their options and determine how to proceed in advance of July 1, 2024.

New UCI Qualtrics accounts will no longer be created automatically as of April 18, 2024. If a new account is needed for some reason, please contact us at surveys@uci.edu for assistance.

Important: Qualtrics is not approved for P3/4 data.

Qualtrics is not approved for UC systemwide P3/P4 data classifications as defined at this website: https://www.security.uci.edu/program/classification/protection-levels/If you are collecting data in Qualtrics that is considered P3/P4 for the coming year, please work with your department’s Unit Information Security Lead to ensure the role at the appropriate level within your Unit formally accepts the risk via the risk exception process.

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How can I download my Qualtrics data?

From UCI Qualtrics support portal:

For additional help retrieving your data, contact Qualtrics Support directly:

  1. Login to https://uci.qualtrics.com and click on the question mark icon (?) in the top right
  2. Select “Contact Support” (on the bottom)
    This image show the qualtrics help menu as accessed through the ? icon in the upper-right.
  3. Select your account to login on the Support Portal.
  4. Select “Get Technical Support”
  5. Select “Survey Platform” as the product and then choose your preferred contact option
  6. Select Email (on the bottom)
  7. Complete the Support Survey for Qualtrics assistance
      Can my projects be moved to another Qualtrics account or license?

      Yes, Qualtrics projects can be moved to another license (for instance, if your program gets a separate license going forward or if you work with a colleague at another institute that has a license).

      You can export an individual Qualtrics project and then upload that file to a different Qualtrics environment in order to move a survey project’s template and other contents (does not include results data); see: Importing & Exporting Surveys

      Alternatively, you can request to have Qualtrics Support move projects (does include results data) on your behalf from UCI Qualtrics to a different Qualtrics license as follows:

      1. Submit a request to transfer projects and/or other account content from UCI Qualtrics to another environment to Qualtrics support directly as follows:
        1. Login to https://uci.qualtrics.com and click on the question mark icon (?) in the top right
        2. Select “Contact Support” (on the bottom)
          This image show the qualtrics help menu as accessed through the ? icon in the upper-right.
        3. Select your account to login on the Support Portal.
        4. Select “Get Technical Support”
        5. Select “Survey Platform” as the product and then choose your preferred contact option
        6. Select Email (on the bottom)
        7. Complete the Support Survey for Qualtrics assistance
      2. Qualtrics support will contact us to confirm approval to move that content and we will CC your campus email address when we respond to provide that approval pending your confirmation

      See also from Qualtrics support: User Moves

      Is Qualtrics HIPAA compliant?
      How do I require UCI Qualtrics survey participants to login with a UCInetID?

      UCI Qualtrics surveys can be locked down to require participants to login with a UCInetID and password.

      Whether or not this is or will be available under other licenses depends on the license holders; if a particular program, for instance, purchases a separate Qualtrics license, then they will need to work with OIT’s Identity and Access Management team to configure UCInetID single sign-on for that Qualtrics licensed environment.

      For more deatiled information, see Advanced SSO Authenticator for Shibboleth on the Qualtrics website.

      • When setting “Authentication type” to “SSO,” be sure to un-check “Associate Respondent With Panel” (unless you pre-create a contacts list in your library that you will use to identify allowed participants). If this setting is enabled without a contact list selected, no one will be able to take the survey.
      • If you would like login to be required before displaying the survey, move the question block under the authentication block.
        Image of survey flow showing the question block below the login (authentication) block
      • If you would like login to be required when ‘Submit’ is pressed, leave the question block above the authentication block.
        Image of survey flow showing the question block above the login (authentication) block
      • If your would like to optionally capture “Username” + “FirstName” + “LastName” + “EmailAddress” in your submissions, check “Capture respondent identifying info” and match the text below. Case-sensitivity is important.
        Image of survey flow showing the question block below the login (authentication) block, with the authentication bock configured to collect participant information
      Can I still set up a new account to start using UCI Qualtrics?

      Since the campus is moving away from the centralized Qualtrics license, it is highly recommended that you consider your long-term plans and other options first before setting up a new account and beginning to use Qualtrics at this point. If you have a short-term project that won’t be impacted by the license ending or if you want to set up an account regardless of that license ending, you can still do so by visiting uci.qualtrics.com and signing in with any active UCInetID and password.

      Who should I contact for help with Qualtrics?

      Most support questions should be directed to Qualtrics through the support portal if an asnwer is not availbale within the support portal’s documentation to being with:

      1. Login to https://uci.qualtrics.com and click on the question mark icon (?) in the top right
      2. Select “Contact Support” (on the bottom)
        This image show the qualtrics help menu as accessed through the ? icon in the upper-right.
      3. Select your account to login on the Support Portal.
      4. Select “Get Technical Support”
      5. Select “Survey Platform” as the product and then choose your preferred contact option
      6. Select Email (on the bottom)
      7. Complete the Support Survey for Qualtrics assistance
      If Qualtrics Support is unable to assist, or for UCI specific questions or requests (examples: trouble logging into your account, questions about the end of the campus-wide license, needing account settings changed), please open a support ticket with the OIT Help Desk by emailing us at surveys@uci.edu.
      What should I use to replace Qualtrics?

      There are several other tools/services that may be good options to replace Qualtrics depending on the context. Otherwise, talk to your program, department, or school IT to determine what other solutions may be possible (for instance, if a particular program may elect to fund a separate Qualtrics license in the future).

      This is by no means a comprehensive list of survey options, but a selection of those that are known to be in-use by one or more campus units.

      Google Forms
      Microsoft Forms
      • Part of Microsoft 365
      • Can be used for P3/4 data provided that collaboration link is protected and only shared with specific people within the organization who need access
      • Overview of Microsoft 365
      YuJa Polls and Quizzes
      UCI Canvas Quizzes & Surveys
      EEE+ Evaluations (for instructor/TA evaluations only)

      Note: OIT strongly recommends against using any general purpose survey tool to conduct confidential teaching and other evaluations. Please consider using EEE+ Evaluations for any instructor and/or course evaluations in order to protect students’ anonymity and the confidentiality of results.


      QuestionPro is available now at https://uci.questionpro.com and the campus is working with QuestionPro throughout the rollout of this new service.


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      How can I get started using QuestionPro?

      Visit https://uci.questionpro.com and login with your UCInetID and password to create your QuestionPro account.

      How can I move projects from Qualtrics to QuestionPro?

      QuestionPro provides a Qualtrics Data Import tool built to facilitate ease of migration from Qualtrics to QuestionPro. This tool allows you to migrate all surveys and responses data from Qualtrics to QuestionPro.

      Please note that while the surveys and responses can be moved, logic (e.g. branching logic to direct participants to different questions depending on previous responses) will break and need to be recreated. At an added cost, QuestionPro can provide more in-depoth assistance to migrate content from Qualtrics to QuestionPro. If you or your school/department/program are interested in exploring paid migration services, please contact QuestionPro@uci.edu.

      First, export your Qualtrics survey data

      For instructions, see: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-tools/import-and-export-surveys/#ExportingaSurveyasaQSF

      Then, you can import that data into QuestionPro

      For instructions, see: https://www.questionpro.com/help/qualtrics-data-import.html or watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XAmZsKBTtk

      How can I get help with QuestionPro?

      QuestionPro provides help documentation and the following resources may be particularly helpful for new users: 

      For questions about the campus license or if your school/department/program would like to explore additional QuestionPro services (for instance, more in-depth direct assistance to move content from Qualtrics to QuestionPro, which can be arranged with QuestionPro at an added cost) contact QuestionPro@uci.edu.

      Otherwise, for 24-hour live QuestionPro support, visit https://www.questionpro.com/help/contact-us.html

      Can I use QuestionPro for P3/4 data?

      Yes; QuestionPro is approved for P3/4 data.

      How do I create an anonymous survey?
      • QuestionPro offers Respondent Anonymity Assurance which is their guarantee to respondents that the survey owner will not have access to identity data with the submission. This can be enabled with or without a UCI Single Sign On requirement to complete the survey.
      • To activate Respondent Anonymity Assurance, create a survey, click on Settings, toggle the setting for Respondent Anonymity Assurance to enable. A prompt will appear explaining this is not reversible. Complete the process.
      • To activate a UCI Single Sign On requirement for respondents to authenticate before the survey is taken, create a survey, click on Settings then Security, toggle the setting for “University of California, Irvine SAML.” This will require authentication before the survey loads and it will share UCInetID, First Name, Last Name, and Email address on responses.
      • IMPORTANT: If Respondent Anonymity Assurance is used with UCI Single Sign On, it is COMPULSORY that “Mask Custom Variables 1-5” be ENABLED. These identity variables are captured during the UCI Single Sign On process and are stored with responses. By enabling Mask Custom Variables 1-5, no UCI Single Sign On variables will be stored with surveys. In May 2024, QuestionPro will automatically mask Custom Variables 1-5 when Respondent Anonymity Assurance is enabled. Until then, this setting must be manually activated:
      1. Enable Respondent Anonymity Assurance
      2. Confirm Respondent Anonymity Assurance is enabled
      3. Enable Mask Custom Variables 1-5
      4. Confirm Mask Custom Variables 1-5 is enabled
      5. Verify Custom variables 1-5 are masked